For Patients

Patient Engagement

Ultimately, everything we do in radiation medicine is for the patient. As more and more AI tools are developed and used in the practice of radiation medicine, their insight is essential to responsible and patient-centred implementation. Leveraging the successful CPQR model of meaningful patient engagement, CADRA currently has trusted patient partners working collaboratively to advocate for the patient voice when it comes to the use of AI in radiation medicine.

If you are a patient interested in joining our team, contact us below.

Patient Education

As part of our initiative, we aim to develop resources accessible to patients and broader public who may wish to better appreciate the current and emerging applications and considerations of AI in radiation medicine.

Until such resources are developed and launched, those who may be interested in the use of AI in healthcare and in radiation medicine can peruse the Educational Repository to find lay and scientific literature on related topics.

Coming Soon

Patient Voice in CADRA Mandates & Position Statement

One of our first initiatives as CADRA is to establish a voice as a Canadian collaboration, articulating our mandate and plans of action as a national radiation medicine community to advance AI and big data initiatives. While many previous publications and AI leaders have rightfully argued that patient input is important, to date there are no examples of having sought such input meaningfully. Our patient partners will contribute to establishing our CADRA mandate, ensuring that the patient voice is seen as a key element of CADRA’s work.

Study on the patient perspective

For a more diverse insight into the patient perspective, CADRA is supporting a research proposal to begin to formally consider patient perspectives on the use of AI in radiation medicine.

Contact us.

Are you a patient that would like to learn more? Would you like to be involved in our CADRA initiative? Send us a message!